Harvest Group Resources & Coaching Plan

Kick start your local harvest group with the resources and coaching checkpoints below.

DOWNLOAD The Disciple Making Training Packet

Download the training packet with all the content we will train in this virtual training.

WARNING: The secret sauce is NOT in the content. The tools themselves are not the key to seeing multiplying disciples. The key is in learning how to use them in a community of practice. You will ONLY get that by joining for the training.

See you on Zoom,
The Training Team.

4 Week Training Overview Menu

4 Week Training Overview Menu

Click a Week Below

Week 1: Vision + Pathway Checkpoint

✓ Video Resources
✓ Zoom Recording
✓ Coaching Tips & Support

Week 2: Abiding + Oikos Checkpoint

✓ Video Resources
✓ Zoom Recording
✓ Coaching Tips & Support

Week 3: Gospel Tools Checkpoint

✓ Video Resources
✓ Zoom Recording
✓ Coaching Tips & Support

Week 4: Discipleship Tools Checkpoint

✓ Video Resources
✓ Zoom Recording
✓ Coaching Tips & Support

Week 1: Vision + Pathway

July 20, 2023 / 7:30pm EST

This Content Available in

00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

🔲 Pray & make a decision to start a harvest group

🔲 Start planning a group of disciples to join you

🔲 Read through the guide – links above

🔲 Send a message and/or call to potential group members to see if they are interested: “Hey NAME, I would love to share some discipleship tools with you I am learning. Are you free to connect?”


Zoom Recording


Week 2: Starter Tools

July 27, 2023 / 7:30pm EST

This Content Available in

00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

🔲 Plan a time for a meeting and invite your contacts

🔲 Find a location can be a coffee shop, home or building 

🔲 Make sure they have at least 1 hour, a pen and a piece of printer paper


Zoom Recording


Week 3: The Multiplying Process

August 3, 2023 / 7:30pm EST

This Content Available in

00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
🔲 Prepare and pre-pray for your first group 3/3’s meeting

🔲 Read through the DBS guide

🔲 Meet your group for your first group 3/3’s meeting

🔲 Facilitate the 3/3’s group using the “Repent & Believe” Story

🔲 Set goals with your group members at the end of the gathering


Zoom Recording


Week 4: Harvest Strategies

August 10, 2023 / 7:30pm EST

This Content Available in

00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
🔲 Each meeting, help the group set goals

🔲 Remind your group about their OIKOS map

🔲 Plan a day to go out in the harvest together


Zoom Recording


“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” 

Matthew 18:20

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