4 Week Virtual Disciple Maker Training

Select One:

WEEK 1: Vision & Pathway

WEEK 2: Abiding & Oikos

WEEK 3: Gospel Tools

WEEK 4: Discipleship Tools

Week 2: Abiding & Oikos

How's it going?

You are at 25%. After you complete the checkpoint for this week, you will be at 50% progress for the training.

Week 2: Key Resources

DOWNLOAD The Disciple Making Training Packet

Download the training packet with all the content we will train in this virtual training.

WARNING: The secret sauce is NOT in the content. The tools themselves are not the key to seeing multiplying disciples. The key is in learning how to use them in a community of practice. You will ONLY get that by joining for the training.

See you on Zoom,
The Multiplying Disciples Team.

Week 2: Checkpoint

(complete each action item and click the button when complete)

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✓  Complete all of the action steps

and click "I completed the action steps" to submit.

__ MEET with your 3 (or more) friends and share the tools below you learned this week and take some photos of the meet-up

Practice: Conversation Quadrant

Practice: Oikos Tool

__ DO SOAPS TWO TIMES: Practice and share the "SOAPS" tool with someone else.

__ PLAN: pray about which members of your oikos you can start sharing the gospel with now.

__ PRAY: Spend time praying for each person on your oikos map by name

Progress After Checkpoint

Coaching Tip

Training reps build two main things: confidence and competence. As you train others in what you learn, you will grow in confidence in what you know and the skills to pass it on well.